The Boreal Wetland Centre provides a unique opportunity for multiple user groups to engage with boreal forest and wetland science projects.
Come visit the Boreal Wetland Centre to explore industry demonstrations, collect data for community science projects, and learn about wetlands.
The Boreal Wetland Centre is unique in boreal Canada by providing a central demonstration location where industries can provide on-the-ground examples of innovative solutions, demonstrating avoidance and minimization practices, testing out new ideas, and educating visitors about critical habitat and environmental stewardship.
Demonstrations facilitate information sharing and provide opportunities for knowledge exchange among diverse user groups including Indigenous rights holders, industry, research academia, K-12 education, and the public-at-large.
Demonstrations found on site.
What strategies has the oil and gas industry used to minimize pipeline disturbance?
Community Science
Gathering data can be a challenge for researchers with limited time and resources. Getting community members involved can improve the quality and quantity of the data while allowing curious members of the public to learn in a hands-on way.
Lend a hand to our Boreal Wetland Centre community science projects
Learn how you can participate in our iWetland project and contribute to hydrology research.
Learn how you can contribute to observations of flora and fauna at the Boreal Wetland Centre.
Learn how you can contribute to scientific research of seasonal changes in vegetation.
Wetland Science
Why Wetlands?
Boreal wetlands and the surrounding habitat are important areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services. From filtering water and storing carbon, to providing important plant and wildlife habitat, wetlands are prominent features in the boreal forest and are often part of interconnected systems that link all boreal ecosystems.
Additionally, northern Alberta is a hub for resource development and rich in diverse wetlands. These wetlands present opportunities and challenges to industry, governments, Indigenous communities, and other groups working in and near boreal wetlands.
The Boral Wetland Centre has several on-site initiatives to better understand and monitor wetlands including:
Interested in volunteering for one of our research initiatives? Contact Us!